Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Pre-School

The first day of school was Tuesday, September 4th.

He's going to the local Christian school, a decision that we didn't take lightly. We asked and prayed for God to provide the money for us to enroll him there. We found out there is a state grant that reduced the tuition for us by a huge amount. Something more manageable for us to handle as a family.

The best part about the local program at the Christian school is that for 4 year old students, it's all day, everyday. But he's so ready. Who was up by 6:45am that morning? Who was ready for school by 7:30am? School starts after 8am. This guy. That's who. He was so excited! He told dad "I just can't wait!" Dad asked "For what?" Little man replied "School, of course!"

I have to pack him a lunch everyday, which he ate 2 of the 5 things I sent with him the first day. He ate his mini-Oreos and his snack and cheese crackers. Guess who was hungry after school? He ate his grapes, his fruit roll-up and a piece of candy from the teacher. He ate his macaroni and cheese muffins for dinner- added with ketchup on top, of course!


He wanted a picture of his backpack! 

In the car, with his lunchbox. 

Running into the school. 

Going into his classroom. 

Find the printable I used at the website How Does She? Just subscribe to the mailings and you have access free printables! 

No, mommy didn't cry. Although I figured out I'm a little lonely and it's a whole lot quieter at home, now that he's in school. The funny part is when he got out of the car at school he started running into the school. He forgot his backpack and his lunch. But we made it, and he had a good first day, despite deciding to rip up his name tag during rest time. He must have taken a nap because he was full of energy when I picked him up. FULL.


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