Friday, August 27, 2010

Life As a Designer

I've set off on a new adventure. I've been busy writing up a proposal to design a website for a local non-profit agency. They don't have a website, and are needing one. So I hope they decide to go with Royall Design. Although we are a new company, we have plenty of experience, just no current clients to speak of, although we have a few happy clients that we have completed projects for in the past.
We don't have our company official, but hopefully this income will provide that shortly. I've decided to work about 10 hours a week on Royall Design projects. So, I'm trying to implement 'lightbox' onto our website and it's supposed to be easy to do, but for some reason I can't get it to work. It's a photo thing, where I would like to have a thumbnail of a previous project we have done and then it 'zooms' into the actual version, but for some reason I can't get it to work. I've done all the research I can possibly do, so hopefully my husband will have to help me on this one!
I've gone so far as to copy other websites that have this element on their website and copy paste it into my Dreamweaver program, but it doesn't work because I don't have their images on my computer. I'll get it figured out- I've never been the fastest learner in my family, so hopefully this is something that I can do, I just have to figure out how. I don't need it on the website that I'm going to design, but it would be a nice thing to know how to do for Royall Design's website.

Meanwhile, Christopher is growing by leaps and bounds and is always talking up a storm! He's all boy and enjoys shooting stuff with his guns (fingers) and making noise with anything that will make noise for him. He loves Thomas the Tank & Friends, and is into Dinosaurs and Dragons right now- he also loves Diego, Dora and Bob the Builder! He's so smart, and next week our letter of the week is "G" so we will be concentrating on things that start with G: Grandma, Grandpa, Guitar, Garage, Go, Goat, Grass, etc.
I'm making him a box guitar, and we'll probably do a craft that involves him collecting some grass and gluing it on to a piece of paper!
The photo above is Christopher, Grandma and Papa John worshiping at revival in Keokuk!


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