My mother-in-law said I should go, and it turned out that she wasn't able to go, so it was weird without her there, but I did not miss her breathing machine Friday night. I didn't get much sleep, but that was because I forgot my earplugs. Weird hotel room, not sleeping next to the hubby and a sister-in-law who warned me she snores. LOUD. I love her, I truly do, and I'm so thankful she has joined our family. I disliked the snoring, though. I threw 2 pillows at her sometime during the night. I told myself I was doing it in love.If she would have been sleeping in my bed, I would have kicked her.Hard. But, I'm still Blessed.
Three sisters in the Lord. Vicky, Suzi and Sarah (me).
I was blessed by the speakers and bought a book for my mother-in-law, hopefully she'll enjoy the book and share it with me when she's done with it! I bought Angie Smith's book 'Broken' and even got her to sign it, and got my picture taken with her. I also bought Selah's new CD and have been listening to it (in the car, at the church) since I returned. Blessed.